Dear All,

Wish you all a very happy and healthy year ahead.

Change is inevitable. We have been handed over the baton by the previous EC team who did an excellent work and we will try our best to keep the momentum going.

As you all now aware about launch of APS website this year, I would request you all to keep surfing it as needed. We are doing our best to keep it informative and updated.

We all are now used to online webinars; however, we also know the importance of in-person educational meetings! Learning should be continued. This is the only way through which we can make a difference in clinical care and outcomes. We will try to arrange limited but productive educational symposiums to keep you all updated.

I would look forward to your active participation in upcoming APS activities.

With warm personal regards,

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Ankur Dalal
Hon. Secretary, APS