MEMBERSHIP (As per APS Constitution)
(a) Life Membership

Any physician or specialist from Surat having post graduate degree qualification in General/Internal Medicine (Registered under GMC/MCI/NMC of India) with or without post doctoral qualification can become a life member of APS after following prescribed application process.

(b) Associate Membership

Associate membership of APS can be conferred after following prescribed application process to the following persons.

(1) Any physician or specialist out of Surat having post graduate degree qualification in General/Internal Medicine (Registered under GMC/MCI/NMC of India) with or without post doctoral qualification

(2) Postgraduate students of General/Internal Medicine till they get pass out. After passing out their associate membership will be terminated AUTOMATICALLY and they have to reapply for life membership (as per 3 (a)), if they wish so.

(3) Postgraduate diploma/degree (Registered under GMC/MCI/NMC of India) holders in the sub-specialty of General/Internal Medicine.

(c) There will not be any annual membership category.

  • (a) A person who fulfill the eligibility criteria and desirous to become the member of APS will have to apply in the prescribed form for the membership, which is made available to download on APS website.
  • (b) The application will have to be supported by 2 existing life members of APS along with NON REFUNDABLE life/associate membership fees (as per the category in which he/she falls), which will be determined time-to-time by the Executive Committee (EC) of APS and approved by the General Body.
  • (c) The application should also be supported with self attested copy/proof of all requisite qualifications and medical council registration certificates as well as two passport size photos. In case of postgraduate students of General/Internal Medicine, a letter from head of department/ unit denoting their residency status should be accompanied with the application.
  • (d) All applications will be scrutinized in the next available EC meeting of APS for the approval. The applicant will become life/associate member only after the approval from the EC.
  • (e) The register of all the members of APS will be kept with the Hon. Secretary of APS and will remain open to scrutiny of any member of the association. Names of the newly registered members of the association during the year shall be announced at the annual General Body Meeting (GBM) of the association. Preferably this may be circulated in the news magazine also.
  • (f) A member can resign from his/her membership at any time if he/she wishes by denoting so in writing to APS. A member will AUTOMATICALLY lose his/her membership if his/her name will be removed from the registry of any of the Medical Council.
(a) Life Members

All the registered life members will be eligible to participate in all the activities of the association. Life members will have the voting right and right to contest as EC member.

(b) Associate Members

All the registered associate members will be eligible to participate in all the activities of the association. However, associate members WILL NOT have the voting right or right to contest as EC member.

(c) All those who became members prior to the implementation of these new amendments will continue to enjoy the same status/rights; those had been coffered to them.